




Where can I buy Twelve5's Rebel Hard Coffee?

To find Twelve5’s Rebel Hard Coffee near you, check out our product locator here. Our product locator has our most up-to-date information about stores, bars and restaurants that carry Twelve5’s Rebel Hard Coffee. If you cannot find Twelve5’s Rebel Hard Coffee near you, ask your favorite store to stock it and call us at 800-984-6248.



What are the ingredients in Twelve5's Rebel Hard Coffee?

Twelve5’s Rebel Hard Coffee is only made with natural ingredients. Please see our products page here for more information on each of our items.


View detailed nutritional information on our Product Nutrition page.

Where can I find the nutritional information for Rebel products?

How much caffeine is in Twelve5's Rebel Hard Coffee?

Twelve5’s Rebel Hard Coffee has less than 45mg of caffeine per serving that is naturally occurring from our coffee beans. Compare this to a typical cup of coffee (8oz.) which has around 100 mg of caffeine.


Is Twelve5's Rebel Hard Coffee gluten-free?

No, Twelve5’s Rebel Hard Coffee is made with ingredients that contain gluten.


What’s the shelf life of Twelve5's Rebel Hard Coffee?

Generally, Twelve5’s Rebel Hard Coffees will stay fresh for about 12 months after it was packaged.


I am a Twelve5's Rebel Hard Coffee fan. Can I partner with the brand?

Please fill out our Contact Form to submit any PR or sponsorship inquiries.


Twelve 5's Rebel Hard Coffee. All rights reserved.
Twelve5 Beverage Company, LLC. Neenah, WI
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Drink different—responsibly. This content intended for consumers of legal drinking age only. Do not share with anyone under the legal drinking age.

drink responsibly please
